Midwifery and Nursing Research (MANR) Journal (ISSN:2685-2020; e-ISSN:2685-2012) Published by Magelang Midwifery and Nursing Departement of Semarang Health Polytechnic. Published twice a year in March and September. Containing Mother and Child Health; Care during Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Postpartum; Care of Infants, Adolescence, Family Planning, Climacterium, Reproductive Health, Midwifery and Community Nursing, Midwifery and Nursing Education, Midwifery and Nursing Complementary.
Midwifery and Nursing Research (MANR) Profile Journal please click Google Scholar
Midwifery and Nursing Research (MANR) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles about health sciences covering areas of Midwifery and Nursing. The articles were published on the results of original scientific research (top priority), scientific review article that is new (not a priority), or commentary or criticism of the article in Midwifery and Nursing Research (MANR) Journal. Article publishing fee IDR 150,000.-
Beginning in 2019, the Midwifery and Nursing Research (MANR) Journal only accept articles that are derived from the results of original research (top priority), and a scientific review article that is new (not a priority).
Vol 6, No 2 (2024): September 2024
Table of Contents
Yeni fitria Yeni Fitrianingsih
Yunni Ratnawati, Siti Chunaeni, Siti Rofi'ah
Ani Muji Rahayu, Ayuningtyas Ayuningtyas, Siti Chunaeni
Angga Sugiarto, Sukini Sukini, Siti Maryani
Siti Maesaroh, Tuti Sukini, Siti Chunaeni
Nona Ringgi Novela, Heru Supriyatno, Bambang Sarwono, Dwi Ari Murti Widigdo
Jayanti Tri Subarkah, Siti Chunaeni, Arfiana Arfiana
literature review
Nurhayati Nurhayati, Ria Roswita