Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Menghadapi Persalinan Berbasis Informasi pada Media Website

Heny Rosiana, Mimi Ruspita, Septalia Isharyanti


Maternal mortality remains an issue of women’s health in the world, include in Indonesia. Pregnancy is not only an intense period, but also become anxious part in maternal life. The prevalence of anxiety in pregnancy is around 14-54 percents. The impact of anxiety on the third trimester in facing the labor process can cause labor dystocia because anxiety can stimulate the release of catecholamine hormones which can affect uterine work. Purpose of this study was analyzed effect of health information based website media on anxiety of pregnant women at the Ringinarum Health Center, Kendal. Method used was pre and post one group design with 36 respondents, high risk pregnants women. Result obtained from the research was there was a decrease of anxiety before and after intervention, that was the information given on website media. Conclusion of the study was information on website gave benefit to reduce anxiety in pregnant women when prepare labour process.


anxiety; health information; labor preparedness; website media

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