Dita Eka Mardiani, Debby Inda Rabbi, Nunung Mulyana


have not been able to restrain or control hypertension blood pressure and require a combination
intervention of pharmacological drugs andnon-pharmacological medication. The purpose of this research
is to find out the influence of hypnotherapy on blood pressure in pre-elderly mothers with hypertension.
Methodology. The research is aquasi-experimental research with One-group pre-post-test design. The
population includes 62 pre-elderly mothers with hypertension, and 30 samples were chosen using
Purposive Sampling. The variables are hypnotherapy and blood pressure. This research uses blood
pressure meter and stethoscope as instruments. Wilcoxon test is used to analyze the data. Discussion of
this study is before hypnotherapy was conducted, most of the systole is 140 and the diastole is 90. Where
as, after the hypnotherapy is done, almost all respondents have undergone changes, with most of the
systole is 120 and the diastole is 80. Wilcoxon test results significance (p value) 0.000 < 0.05. Conclusion
of this research is that there is an influence of hypnotherapy on blood pressure in pre-elderly mothers with
hypertension in Kelurahan Setiamulya under the work territory of Puskesmas Tamansari Kota Tasikmalaya.
When the respondents are given hypnotherapy, endorphin is released which makes the body feels comfort
and happy, life quality can increase and blood pressure can be controlled.



hypertension; hypnotherapy; pre-elderly

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