Agus Subagiyo, M Choiroel Anwar, Arif Widyanto


Effort to control DHF (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever) vectors without toxic substances by using natural and enviromentally friendly materials was natural repellent made using plants that were widely available in the community.Many types of plants contain  various secondary metabolite compound substances that have the potential to be used as natural insecticides, especially as repellent of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. The research needs  to be done to determine the effectiveness of basil leaves, citronella leaves, clove leaves and betel leaves as a repellent against Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. This research method was an experiment in the laboratory. The materials used for this research were basil leaves, citronella leaves, clove leaves, and betel leaves. The extracted leaves were then made lotions with certain formulas, tested as a natural repellent against Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. The concentrations used were 20%, 40% and 80% as well as negative control (0%) and positive control (brand x lotions). The number of mosquitoes used in the study were 25 x 4 treatments = 100 mosquitoes. The replication or repetition was done 10 times. To find out the difference in the number of Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes that perch on the hands of probandus which has been smeared with basil leaf, citronella leaf, clove leaf and betel leaf extracts uses Anova Statistical tests and kruskal wallis. To see the difference between concentrations was tested with LSD or Mann-Whitney test. The calculation result of the number of Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes that perch before and after applying the lotion, the lowest was the lotion of citronella leaf extract 0% (11); 20% (2); 40% (1); 80% (1); The highest protection capacity of extract lotion is citronella leaves with concetrations of 20% (81,1%); 40% (95%), 80%(98,2%); There were no significant differences between the lotion concentrations of 20% and 80%, while the concentration of 40% is significantly different. Then the LSD follow-up test finds that the protective capacity of lotion of clove leaf extract is negative and citronella leaf extract is positive. The most effective protection capacity against Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes was lotion of citronella leaf extract with concentration of 40% (95%) and a concentration of 80% (98,2%), proven by the value of protection capacity that is stable even though it has been used for up to 6 hours and can exceed the protection capacity of lotion x (90,3%). It is reccomended that further research needs to be developed to optimize the lotion of citronella leaf extract 40% and 80% with orgonolaptic test of color, aroma, stickness and comfort of its use.


basil leaf, citronella leaf, betel leaf, and clove leaf extracts; and Aedes aegypti

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31983/keslingmas.v39i4.6588

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