Tri Marthy Mulyasari


Introduction: The use of detergent every year is increasing in line with the population growth rate in Indonesia. The impact of excessive use of detergent will result in pollution and damage to ecosystems and aquatic biota. The nature of detergents is to damage microorganisms. The dominant laundry waste comes from softeners and detergents. The research aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the "SM" tool to reduce detergent levels in laundry wastewater. Methods: This type of research was pre-experimental with a one-shot case study design. The independent variable was a tool to recycle laundry liquid waste into clean water "SM." The dependent variable was the detergent level (MBAS). The sample came from the laundry in the Kecamatan Baturraden area. Replication was carried out six times. Analyzing differences in detergent levels before and after being treated with the "SM" tool. The analysis used a paired T test. Result and discussion: The experimental results showed the “SM” tool could treat 960 liters of wastewater/day. The physical quality of the water after being treated using the “SM” tool, the water was colorless or clear, but it still smelled slightly fragrantly. The average level of detergent level checks before processing was 2.52 mg/L and after processing was 0.01 mg/L. The effective detergent parameter (MBAS) decreased by 99.51%, categorized as quite effective. The analysis using the paired T Test showed the p value of 0.239 with the lower and upper values being at one pole, meaning there was a significant difference between detergent levels before and after being processed utilizing the "SM" tool. Conclusion: Detergent levels (MBAS) after processing met the chemical quality requirements of clean water in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 32 of 2017 concerning Environmental Health Quality Standards and Water Health Requirements for Sanitation Hygiene, Solus Per Aqua and Public Bathing Needs.


"SM" tool, Detergent Level, Recycling, Wastewater, Laundry

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31983/keslingmas.v39i4.6587

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