Deskripsi Sanitasi Sarana PembuanganTinja Di Desa Jebeng palmitan Kecamatan Sukoharjo Kabupaten Wonosobo Tahun 2017
Description Sanitation of Excreta Disposal Facility in Jebengplampitan Village, sub district of Sukoharjo,
WonosoboRegency 2017.Excreta disposal facility is the important part of environment health. To prevent
Faecal Borne Diseases disruption and spreading, feces need to handle sanitarily. Depend on the previous
study found out that the sanitation of excreta disposal facility in Jebengplampitan Village, sub district of
Sukoharjo, WonosoboRegency still low, from 228 KK (100%) there are 20 KK (8,8%) has up to standard
toilet, there is water seal latrine. Whereas 208 KK (91,2%) has below standard toilet. The purpose of this
research is to know the sanitation of excreta disposal facility in Jebengplampitan Village, sub district of
Sukoharjo, WonosoboRegency in the year 2017.The kind of this research is descriptive research. Sampling
taken by random sampling. The collecting data methods are observation and interview by using checklist and
questioner. The subject of this research is excreta disposal facility that used by society in Jebengplampitan
Village, sub district of Sukoharjo, WonosoboRegency.The result of this research point out that the sanitation
condition of excreta disposal facilityin Jebengplampitan Village, sub district of Sukoharjo, WonosoboRegency
from 47, there are 42 (89,4%) fulfill standard, 5 (10,26%) below of standard. By this result toilets there are
45 (95,7%) without septictank, whereas 2 (4,3%) toilet with septictank.This research can be conclude that the
sanitation condition of excreta disposal facilityin Jebengplampitan Village, sub district of Sukoharjo, WonosoboRegency are below of standard from 47 houses, only 2 houses that have fulfill standard toilet, and
the other dumping into the fish pool or river. The writer propose in order to the family that has no septictank,
should be built quickly, health society center (Puskesmas) preferable to doing Health promotion in every
family and the society make it joint budgeting into building excreta disposal facility.
Description Sanitation of Excreta Disposal Facility in Jebengplampitan Village, sub district of Sukoharjo,
WonosoboRegency 2017.Excreta disposal facility is the important part of environment health. To prevent
Faecal Borne Diseases disruption and spreading, feces need to handle sanitarily. Depend on the previous
study found out that the sanitation of excreta disposal facility in Jebengplampitan Village, sub district of
Sukoharjo, WonosoboRegency still low, from 228 KK (100%) there are 20 KK (8,8%) has up to standard
toilet, there is water seal latrine. Whereas 208 KK (91,2%) has below standard toilet. The purpose of this
research is to know the sanitation of excreta disposal facility in Jebengplampitan Village, sub district of
Sukoharjo, WonosoboRegency in the year 2017.The kind of this research is descriptive research. Sampling
taken by random sampling. The collecting data methods are observation and interview by using checklist and
questioner. The subject of this research is excreta disposal facility that used by society in Jebengplampitan
Village, sub district of Sukoharjo, WonosoboRegency.The result of this research point out that the sanitation
condition of excreta disposal facilityin Jebengplampitan Village, sub district of Sukoharjo, WonosoboRegency
from 47, there are 42 (89,4%) fulfill standard, 5 (10,26%) below of standard. By this result toilets there are
45 (95,7%) without septictank, whereas 2 (4,3%) toilet with septictank.This research can be conclude that the
sanitation condition of excreta disposal facilityin Jebengplampitan Village, sub district of Sukoharjo, WonosoboRegency are below of standard from 47 houses, only 2 houses that have fulfill standard toilet, and
the other dumping into the fish pool or river. The writer propose in order to the family that has no septictank,
should be built quickly, health society center (Puskesmas) preferable to doing Health promotion in every
family and the society make it joint budgeting into building excreta disposal facility.
Sanitation; Excreta Disposal; Enviromental Health
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