Correlation Between Broken Home And Coping Strategy Upon Adolescent Personality

Aji Bayu Utomo, Anna Miftakhul Rizky, Sindi Febriani, Kharisma Rizki Amalia, Erna Erawati


Background: Youth from broken home families are very vulnerable because of depression experienced in facing stressful conditions. Each individual will develop a stress management strategy called coping strategy, which have impact on ones personality.

Objective: To obtain empirical data in order to find out the correlation between broken home and coping strategy in adolescents

Method: Thestudy used correlational techniques, data collection in the form of a strategyways of coping coping questionnaire from Lazarus and questionnaire identification of broken family. Data analysis using statistics.

Results:From the statistical results using the Chi-squared contingency coefficient obtained  of 10.615 and C of 0.458. Because the ratio of values C = 0.458 and Cmax = 0.707, based on the norms of contingency shows a sufficient degree of correlation between broken home with coping strategy in Youth Personality at Marsudi Putra Antasena Social Assistance Magelang.

Conclusion:There is a significant correlation between youth age personality Broken home with Coping Strategy in adolescents at Marsudi Putra Antasena Social Assistance Magelang, with moderate levels of correlation


Broken Home; depression; oping Strategy Upon Adolescent Personality

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