Pengaruh Latihan Peregangan Kaki Terhadap Pengisian Kapiler Pada Penderita Luka Ulkus Diabetes

Heru Purnomo, M Nor Mudhofar, Ajeng T Normawati, Lilik Suprasno


Damage to tissues causes damage to blood vessels.In patients with DM with diabetic ulcers, perfusion repair is absolutely necessary because it will be very helpful in transporting oxygen and blood to the damaged tissue. A good indicator of perfusion is characterized by normal oxygen saturation support Physical exercise stretching the legs is the main treatment in the prevention and healing of diabetic foot ulcers. Research purposes  Identifying the effect of Stretching Exercises on oxygen saturation in patients with diabetes mellitus ulcers. Research methods used is quasi-experimental (Quasi experiment designs) with the design of the Pre test and Post test nonequivalent control group design. Non-probability sampling technique with consecutive sampling technique. The study was conducted at the General Hospital dr. R. Soetijono Blora from May to November 2019 with a sample of 20 respondents. Univariate analysis includes descriptive analysis and bivariate analysis with Paired Samples Correlations and Paired Samples test. Research Results and Discussion showed stretching exercises (Stretching Exercises) correlated (Sig value 0,000 <α 0.005) and effect (Sig 2-tailed value = 0.001 <½ α 0.025) on oxygen saturation in patients with diabetes mellitus ulcers on stretching days 2 and 3 Leg stretching exercises cause the muscles to contract continuously and activate the blood vessel system and venous pump so that blood circulation will increase. Leg stretching exercises (Stretching Exercises) in the Ankle section to improve the function of blood flow in the legs so that tissue requirements such as oxygen and nutrients are met, these exercises also have a positive impact on the healing process of diabetic foot ulcers or can optimize the vascularization of the ulcer area with indicators of improvement in oxygen saturation. Conclusions and Suggestions research on stretching exercises (stretching exercises) correlated and affected the oxygen saturation in patients with DM ulcers, after doing leg stretching exercises day 2 and 3.

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