Hari Rudijanto I.W, Asep Tata Gunawan, Zaeni Budiono


Introduction:Air is a gas mixture that consists of several components and is spread throughout the area. Air pollution is the presence in the atmosphere in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets or gaseous components abnormally or in the presence in greater concentrations. There is an easy way to control air pollution by reducing the source of the pollution. However, control is part of air health as with the concept of water treatment. The purpose of this study was to design a device to defray the particles of spray tower dust at a low cost. Methods: This type of research used a pre experiment with the aim of testing the Spray Tower tool in reducing the levels of dust particles from the combustion process with coal briquettes, rice husks, and old tires. The pre test was coal briquettes, rice husk ash, and tires without being sprayed with water. The post test were coal, rice husks, and tires with sprayed water (with the help of 1 nozzle, 2 nozzles and 3 nozzles). The independent variable is the number of nozzles sprayed, the dependent variable includes a decrease in the level of dust particles while the disturbing variable consists of sprayed water discharge, weight of coal briquettes, rice husk ash and tires, air temperature, humidity, height of spraying tower, nozzle diameter. Result and discussion:  of the study the average air temperature was 20.17oC, humidity was 82%. The water discharge for 1 nozzle is 47.76 ml / second, 2 nozzles are 83.75 ml / second and 3 nozzles are 113.76 ml / second. The initial particle content of old tires was 3,020,000 μg / m3, coal briquettes (420,000 μg / m3) and rice husk ash (110,000 μg / m3). The average content of used tire dust particles with one nozzle (1,273.33.33 μg / m3), coal briquettes with one nozzle (361,666.67 μg / m3) and rice husk with one nozzle (23,333.33 μg / m3). The average dust particle content of old tires with two nozzles (16,666.67 μg / m3), coal briquettes with two nozzles (195,000 μg / m3) and rice husks with two husks (18,333.33 μg / m3). The average content of used tire dust particles with three nozzles (13,333.33 μg / m3), coal briquettes with three nozzles (13,333.33 μg / m3) and rice husks with three husks (13,333.33 μg / m3). Conclusion:When compared with Government regulation no. 41 of 1999 is still far from the standard 230 μg / m3 (24 hours), 90 μg / m3 (1 hour). Suggestion It is necessary to conduct other similar studies with a larger sample size, varying air pollution groups, modified models and diameters, controlled gross flow rates.



Dust particles; spray tower;tires, coal briquettes; rice husk ash

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