Emergency responsive system for fire countermeasure at RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo in
2017. Need of an emergency response system in response to fire in the hospital to protect patients,
companion patients, human resurces and hospital visitors from the fire and smoke. The research
method use in this research is descriptive, that is by describing clearly the implementation of
emergency response of fire prevention in RSUD Prof. Dr. MargonoSoekarjo, which is compared to
the relevantstandards of legislation.In carrying out emergency respose of fire as the effort of fire
prevention in RSUD Prof. Dr. MargonoSoekarjo has provided fire fighting procedures, fire
prevention facilities, facilities, evacuation facilities, training and socialization of fire prevention for
all people in the hospital. The result of analysis of active fire prevention facility in RSUD Prof. Dr.
MargonoSoekarjo shows; APAR of 98,38% which is appropriate with Ministerial Decree
no.04/Men/1980, Hydrant of 77,86% which is appropriate with Minister of Public Work Decree
No:10/KPTS/2000, Detector of 100% which is appropriate with Permenaker No.Per.02/Men/1983,
Fire Pump of 88,33% according to PM PU Number:26/PRT/M/2008, Fire Alarm 85,71% according
to Permenaker No.Per.02/Men/1983. The conclusion of this research is RSUD Prof. Dr.
MargonoSoekarjo has implemented emergency response fire management response as an
implementation of fire prevention and control policy in hospital. The suggestion that can be give is the
setting of the placement and installation of APARs which is inappropriate should be appropriated to
the standard, completing the incomplete hydrant box equipment, checking and replacing alarms and
detectors that have been installed in hospital, the addition of sprinkler facilities is also necessary in a
place that have great potential for fire.
Emergency responsive system for fire countermeasure at RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo in
2017. Need of an emergency response system in response to fire in the hospital to protect patients,
companion patients, human resurces and hospital visitors from the fire and smoke. The research
method use in this research is descriptive, that is by describing clearly the implementation of
emergency response of fire prevention in RSUD Prof. Dr. MargonoSoekarjo, which is compared to
the relevantstandards of legislation.In carrying out emergency respose of fire as the effort of fire
prevention in RSUD Prof. Dr. MargonoSoekarjo has provided fire fighting procedures, fire
prevention facilities, facilities, evacuation facilities, training and socialization of fire prevention for
all people in the hospital. The result of analysis of active fire prevention facility in RSUD Prof. Dr.
MargonoSoekarjo shows; APAR of 98,38% which is appropriate with Ministerial Decree
no.04/Men/1980, Hydrant of 77,86% which is appropriate with Minister of Public Work Decree
No:10/KPTS/2000, Detector of 100% which is appropriate with Permenaker No.Per.02/Men/1983,
Fire Pump of 88,33% according to PM PU Number:26/PRT/M/2008, Fire Alarm 85,71% according
to Permenaker No.Per.02/Men/1983. The conclusion of this research is RSUD Prof. Dr.
MargonoSoekarjo has implemented emergency response fire management response as an
implementation of fire prevention and control policy in hospital. The suggestion that can be give is the
setting of the placement and installation of APARs which is inappropriate should be appropriated to
the standard, completing the incomplete hydrant box equipment, checking and replacing alarms and
detectors that have been installed in hospital, the addition of sprinkler facilities is also necessary in a
place that have great potential for fire.
Emergencyrespose; fire; hospital; environmental health
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