Endang Krismawati, Bagoes Widjanarko, M.Z Rahfiludin


Background: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is an indicator to see the success of maternal health efforts. The results of the 2018 Riskesdas stated that in Indonesia, 48.9% of pregnant women had anemia. 84.6% of anemia in pregnant women occurs in the 15-24 year age group. To prevent anemia, every pregnant woman is expected to get a blood supplement (TTD) of at least 90 tablets during pregnancy. The coverage of giving iron tablets to pregnant women in Indonesia in 2019 was 64.0%. This figure has not reached the 2019 Strategic Plan target of 98%. The low compliance of pregnant women in drinking iron tablets requires a meditation application to help remind them to drink iron tablets

The aim of the study : was to analyze the effect of the Pregnant Women Friend Application (ASIH) on compliance with Fe tablets and anemia status of pregnant women

Methods: Design This study is an analytical study with experimental design. The population in this study were all pregnant women in Indonesia.

Results: Adherence to taking iron tablets increased after being given the application. The statistical test proved that the application had an effect on adherence to drinking iron tablets (P value = 0.000). : Anemia status has decreased after being given the application. The statistical test proved that the application had an effect on anemia status (P value = 0.000).

Conclusion: Compliance of pregnant women taking iron tablets and anemia status after using the application was higher, compared to before using the application


ASIH application, pregnant women, adherence, iron tablets, anemia status

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