Verbals Bullying Related to Self-Esteem on Adolescents

Jek Amidos Pardede, Akhyarul Huda, Masri Saragih, Marthalena Simamora


Background: Bullying is a problem of global concern that can have serious / negative effects on the mental health and well-being of adolescents. Bullying that often occurs is verbal bullying which can affect self-esteem.

Purpose: to determine the relationship between bullying and self-esteem on adolescents.

Methods: the design of this research is descriptive correlation with cross sectional approach. The population of the study were 83 students of class X Senior High School who experienced bullying and the sample of this study was the entire population with the sampling technique using total sampling. The data collection tool used a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability, the statistical test used was the chi-square test with p <0.05.

Results: the study showed that the majority of verbal bullying was moderate as much as 43.4% and the majority of the majority were low self-esteem as much as 46.6% with p = 0.004.

Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between verbal bullying and self-esteem.



Adolescents; self-esteem; verbal bullying

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