Indirect Pulp Capping Treatment Using Calcium Hydroxide with Follow-Up Class 1 Composite Restoration on Tooth 36

Tias Ayu Karina, Fajar Fatriadi


One of the treatments for deep carious lesions that have irritated the pulp tissue is treatment pulp capping to maintain pulp vitality. Indirect pulp capping is a treatment procedure that performed on deep caries but does not yet involve pulp exposure. Calcium Hydroxide is such a medicament gold standards that are often used for the treatment of pulp capping because the characteristic is bactericidal or bacteriostatic. This case report describes of the case indirect pulp capping with two visits treatment to the left mandibular first molar. Patients came with the main complaint of pain when drinking cold water or eating. There is no history of spontaneous pain. The tooth was examined for vitality using a sensibility test and the pulp was found to be vital. Treatment is carried out through proceduresindirect pulp capping with two visits using calcium hydroxide and the cavity was irrigated with aquadest and disinfected with 2% chlorhexidine. The cavity was sealed with Glass Ionomer Cement and the final restoration was made using a composite resin restoration. The patient was then followed up for up to 9 weeks for the placement of the permanent restoration. The patient was followed up for up to 9 weeks for the permanent restoration.  Indirect pulp capping is one of the treatments that can be chosen in cases of caries with deep cavities that are close to the pulp. This treatment is carried out to prevent the pulp from opening selective caries removal.


vital pulp treatment, pulp protection, indirect pulp capping, calcium hydroxide, reversible pulpitis

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