Evaluation on Correlation of Gender and Age towards Toothbrushing Knowledge Among Primary School Students

Ni Ketut Nuratni, Ni Ketut Ratmini, Salikun Salikun


Observation of the level of knowledge is the first step to determine a student's understanding to the basic concepts of a practice. Early assessment of dental health knowledge of children will lead to big contribution to good dental health in future. However, few evaluations of children in different geographic regions regarding genders and age so as to equally treated with dental health strategies. The aim of this study was to explore the level of knowledge and evaluate whether there was a correlation between gender and age to the level of dental health knowledge in terms of toothbrushing in Sangkaragung, Bali. The method of this study was descriptive analytics with total sampling as much as 51 students in grade IV and V SD N 1 Sangkaragung. The evaluation of gender, age and its correlation to the knowledge level of in terms of toothbrushing procedure was performed with statistical analysis of chi-square test. The instrument used questionnaire to ace the level of knowledge with the final result in good, fair and bad criteria. The results shows that p-value is 0,281 which is more than significance 0,05 for the gender. Meanwhile for age, the result of p-value is 0,042 (p-value <0,05). In conclusion, there is no correlation between gender and the level of knowledge of dental health toothbrushing, however, age and of dental health toothbrushing knowledge is correlated among students in SD N 1 Sangkaragung.


age; correlation; dental health; gender; knowledge; students

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31983/jkg.v10i2.10606

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