Analisis TSE Factor Terhadap Signal to Noise Ratio dan Contrast to Noise Ratio pada Pembobotan T2 Turbo Spin Echo Potongan Axial MRI Brain

Novelsa Chintya Prabawati, Siti Masrochah, Sri Mulyati


Background: TSE factor is parameters that affect Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR). TSE factor for brain MRI examination is a long TSE factor. There are differences when using TSE factor. At the theory, the brain MRI examination is using TSE factor ≥16 while at Siloam  Surabaya  Hospital was using TSE factor 14. The writer ever seen some noises at brain MRI image therefore the radiographer doing modification of TSE factor. The purpose of this research are to determine the influence of modification in the TSE factor value against SNR and CNR and to define the SNR and CNR optimum from that.

Methods: This research is a quantitative study with an experimental approach. This research was done by MRI Philips Achieva 1,5 T with 10 modification TSE factor (8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26). SNR and CNR obtained by measurement of ROI in the grey matter, white matter and CSF with the result an average signal and compared with the average standard deviation of the background image. Data was analyzed by linear regression test to know the influence of TSE factor against SNR and CNR and data was analyzed by descriptive test mean rank to obtain the optimum TSE factor value.

Result: The result showed that there was the inluence of TSE factor to SNR and CNR at T2W TSE axial brain. There was a significant correlation between TSE factor with all of area SNR and CNR with coefficient correlation of SNR grey matter r=0,591, with coefficient correlation of SNR white matter r=0,604, with coefficient correlation of SNR CSF r=0,687, with coefficient correlation of CNR CSF–grey matter r=0,690, with coefficient correlation of CNR CSF-white matter r=0,658. The significant value of linear regression test is (0,000*) < p value (0,05). TSE factor optimum value at T2W TSE axial brain was TSE factor value 10 for SNR with mean rank SNR 45,05 and TSE factor value 8 for CNR with mean rank CNR 35,43.

Conclusion: There was the influence of TSE factor to SNR and CNR at T2W TSE axial brain. TSE factor optimum value in brain MRI T2W TSE axial is 10 to SNR and TSE factor 8 to CNR.


TSE factor, SNR, CNR, Brain, axial

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