Icha Berliana, Munayarokh Munayarokh, Siti Rofi'ah


Background: Supplementation of vitamin A for postpartum mothers is needed to increase the amount of vitamin A in breast milk. Babies who suck the breast milk that contains enough vitamin A will be more immune and rarely suffered from  infectious diseases.  Purpose: The study aimed to determine the association of vitamin A consumption in postpartum mothers with adequacy of breast milk. Methods: This study is  an analytical survey  with cross-sectional design approach, condected within the work area of Mungkid Community Health Center, Magelang Regency with total sampling. The sample were 40 respondents. The data was retrieved by using a checklist observation sheet. Result: Statistical analysis with Spearman Rank test, obtained   p-value of 0.000 so that <0.05, which means there was a significant relationship between consumption of vitamin A in postpartum mothers with adequate breastfeeding.  Concluslion: Consumption of vitamin A in postpartum  mothers correlated  with breast milk adequacy. Midwives are expected to provide health care and health education, regarding vitamin A for postpartum women, and give 2 capsules of vitamin A to  the mother after delivery. Postpartum mothers are suggested to obtain and consume 2 capsules of vitamin A after giving birth, because the benefits are many, especially with the adequacy of breast milk.


postpartum, vitamin A, adequacy of breast milk

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