Differences in Parental Knowledge About ISPA Prevention In Toddlers Before and After Being Given PocketBooks

Ika Wijayanti, Fachry Amal, Haerani Haerani


ISPA in toddlers is very dangerous if not treated immediately, so there needs to be health education with a pocket book on how to prevent ISPA in toddlers. Pocket Book Media is a tool in the form of a book, equipped with writing and pictures that can cover many people, practical in its use because it can be used anywhere. The purpose of this study was whether there was a difference in the knowledge of parents about the prevention of ISPA in toddlers before and after being given a pocket book in the work area of the Hebeybhlu Yoka Health Center. This research method uses a quasi-experimental approach with aapproach  one group pretest – posttest design. The population in this study were Toddlers who suffered from ISPA in January-February 2021 in the Hebeybhulu Yoka Health Center area totaling 56 people, while the sample using random sampling technique was 15 people. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire. The results showed that there was a difference before and after being given a Pocket Book with p volume 0.000 p volume < (0.05).

Keyword : Buku Saku, ISPA Pada Balita, Pencegahan ISPA.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31983/jomisbar.v3i2.8110

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