The Influence Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) Therapy To Decrease The Intensity Of Post Operative Pain In Major Surgery Patients In Hospital Dr . R. Soeprapto Cepu

M Zainal Abidin, Siswanto Siswanto, Agus Prasetyo


The operation is an action that is always associated with the incision so it would to be pain. Therefore, the management of non-pharmacological measures the change in the intensity of postoperative pain in patients considered to be very important and helpful. One of them is the SEFT therapy (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique). Based on preliminary studies that SEFT therapy has not been used to help reduce pain in postoperative patients. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of therapy SEFT to decrease pain intensity in patients with postoperative major surgery in hospital Dr. R. Soeprapto Cepu. This type of research using experiment with design Static Pre - Group Comparison. In this study, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a sample of 44 respondents. Results of Mann Whitney test respondents pain intensity p value 0.017 (< 0.05). Based on the research results, it can be concluded that there SEFT therapeutic effect on reduction of pain intensity in patients with postoperative major surgery in hospital Dr. R Soeprapto Cepu, so it is advisable to provide therapy should SEFT with more frequency and time so that the decrease in the intensity of postoperative pain in major surgery patients can be maximized

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