Nursing Care Elderly Mrs. P And Mrs. R Using Arthritis Gout Focus Of Study Of Pain Management In The Apartments In The Margo Mukti Social Service Unit

Warijan Warijan, Teguh Wahyudi Wahyudi, Nur Alifah


Gout arthritis is a disease caused by excess uric acid content in the blood leading to the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints.This KTI aims to enable the writer to be able to implement Elderly Nursing Care with Gout Arthritis  Focus on Pain Management Studies in Joints.Research using descriptive methods with exposure to case reports using the nursing process. Data collection was obtained from various sources in November 2019. The assessment was carried out with anamnesa on 2 clients until the main problem waspain gout arthritis. Interventions to overcome these problems are 6 interventions, namely assess pain, provide a comfortable position, teach massases, teach distraction and relaxation techniques, encourage drinking 2-3 liters of fluid every day, give a warm compress. The implementation was carried out in 3 days, after which an evaluation was carried out and the client found 1 problem partially resolved and client 2 problem completely resolved. Conclusion clients who experience pain due to arthritis gout can be done nursing care by teaching relaxation techniques, distraction techniques, giving warm compresses and massages on the pain, and drinking 2-3 liters of water every day to reduce pain felt by the client. Suggestions for clients to always adhere to a low purine diet

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