Logotherapy Intervention Using Socratic Dialogue Techniques as an Approach to Improving the Quality of Life and Self-Efficacy of Elderly People with Non-Communicable Diseases Hypertension

Suyanta Suyanta, Sunarko Sunarko, Moh Hanafi


Background:     The elderly are an age group that is vulnerable to exposure to various diseases due to decreased cell function (degeneration), low body immunity and complications from other health problems. One of these health problems is hypertension. The results of several studies show that hypertensive sufferers have a lower quality of life, and there is a relationship between self-efficacy and the quality of life of hypertensive patients. Literary results regarding the influence of logotherapy specifically the Socratic dialogue method have not been found, meanwhile this therapy is very simple and can be applied to the elderly.

Methods: Quasi-experimental research with a pre-post test control group design. There were 80 participants divided into 2 groups. Self-efficacy data was taken using the General Self-Efficacy Scale, and quality of life data was taken using the WHOQOL-BREF instrument and controlled by blood pressure and laboratory tests (blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid). Univariate data analysis was carried out to determine the incidence of hypertension, and multivariate t test analysis was carried out to determine the effectiveness of logotherapy.

Results: The results of the self-efficacy analysis showed that there was a significant difference of 0.000 (< 0.05) in the intervention group, while in the control group it was not significantly different with a value of 0.200 (> 0.05). There is a significant difference in quality of life analysis of 0.000 (< 0.05) in the intervention group, while in the control group it is not significantly different with a value of 0.114 (> 0.05). There is a negative relationship, the higher the respondent's self-efficacy score and quality of life, the lower (normal) their blood pressure.

Conclusion: Socratic dialogue logotherapy has been proven to be effective in increasing self-efficacy and quality of life in elderly people with hypertension. This action can be developed into an alternative that can be applied as a psychosocial nursing action

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