Review of Ergonomic Aspect of Filing Room Based on Indonesian Anthropometry Data to the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

Hidayatul Maula, Qoriesa Bakti Hayyunadhifa, Dian Nurhayati


The filing service is an important part of the Medical Record Unit, especially for medical record keeping. A good filing arrangement is required to facilitate the work of the officer. Spatial filing should be done based on the aspect of ergonomic and Indonesian anthropometry data so it wouldn’t causing any OHS risk for the officers. Some of the ergonomics aspects of filing room in RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta are not in accordance with the Indonesian anthropometry data, it can lead to decreased work /productivity officer. The purpose of this research is to review the aspect of ergonomic filing room based on the Indonesian anthropometry data toward aspect of OHS. The type of research that we used is case study research. Methods of data collection are observation and interview. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that the management, equipment, temperature and humidity of the filing room in RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is in accordance with the theory except for the footing aids. The size of the medical record storage rack is not ergonomic compared to the Indonesian anthropometry data. However, the height and width of the sub racks are in accordance with the dimensions of the medical record file. The risk of OHS that can be happen by filing officers are wildfire, get pinched by a roll o'pack, falling from the footing aids, sore feet and hands, neck pain, itching, cuts due to scratches, shortness of breath and hoarse throat.


Ergonomic Aspect, Anthropometry, OHS

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