The Effect of Various Dosages of Clove Essential Oil (Syzygium aromaticum) as Aromatherapy Candles on Aedes aegypti Mosquito Perching Power And Protection Power

Salsabila Lutfiana, Aris Santjaka, Zaeni Budiono


Dengue hemorrhagic fever vector control can use natural insecticides such as cloves that containing Eugenol. Eugenol gives a distinctive smell and aroma, has a spicy taste and evaporates easily when left in the open air so that the compound can be used as a repellent against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. The research objective was to determine the effect of various dosages of clove essential oil as aromatherapy candle on the perching power and protective power of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Methods: This study used a true experiment with a post-test only control group using variations in the dosage of clove essential oil 0%, 12%, 13%, and 14%. Perching power and protective power were observed every 15 minutes for six hours of treatment. Result: The perching power of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes on the use of clove essential oil dosage of 0%, 12%, 13% and 14% respectively was 140%, 30%, 15% and 10% with protection power was 0%, 78.57%, 89.29% and 92.85%. Clove essential oil dosage variation had no effect on perch (p=0.098); but the protective power has an effect (p=0.000). Conclusion: The higher the dose of clove essential oil, the higher the protective power, while the most effective dose was 13%, because statistically it was not different from the 14% dose. The protection power reaches 89.29%


Clove Essential Oil, Perching Power, Protection Power, Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes

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