The Effect Of Blanching Time Variation On The Physical Quality Of Broccoli Vegetables (Brassica oleracea var. italica)

Nelisha Kiranasanti, Hikmandari Hikmandari, Tri Marthy Mulyasari


Broccoli has one drawback, namely the shelf life and low durability of broccoli, especially if after harvest the broccoli is stored at room temperature. The physical quality of food products plays an important role as a characteristic that becomes the first assessment of the quality of a product. One way to maintain the quality of agricultural products is through wet processing techniques, one of which is by blanching. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations in blanching time between 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes at a temperature of 85°C on the physical quality of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica). This type of research is a Pre-experiment with a Pre test and Post test design approach. Statistical analysis used ANOVA. The research method blanching on broccoli was examined from day 0 to day 6 to see its physical quality. The results showed that statistical analysis using ANOVA showed that the sig. 0.737. Sig. value shows that sig. > 0,05 so there is no significant difference between blanching time of 2 minutes, 3 minutes, and 4 minutes. The organoleptic test of physical quality conducted by 5 panelists showed that the pre test and post test samples from the 4 indicators namely texture, color, smell, taste began to experience a significant decrease on day 2-3. The suggestion is that people should do blanching to preserve food. For further research, it should be stored at low temperatures to maintain good physical quality and it is necessary to conduct research on the nutritional content and quality of microbiological quality.

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