The Influence of Family Social Economic Status on The Selection of Patterns And Methods of Health Financing And Ability To Purchase Health Services In Jambi Province

Dwi Noerjoedianto, Syamsurijal Tan, Zamzami Zamzami, Junaidi Junaidi


Health financing plays an important role in improving the quality of health services, so that the role of all parties is needed. WHO recommends 6 patterns and 7 methods of health financing to measure the ability to purchase health services. This study aims to examine the effect of family socioeconomic status on the patterns and methods of health financing on the ability to purchase health services in Jambi Province. Methodology, quantitative design with a survey approach design, exogenous variables (family socioeconomic status) and endogenous variables (financing patterns, financing methods and the ability to purchase health services), a sample size of 770 households. Technique accidental random sampling in western and eastern regions, using questionnaire sheet instruments, analysis of second order SEM PLS data. Results and Discussion, The results of the PLS SEM analysis obtained the t-statistics value of 25.023, and P-value of 0.004, which means that the direct effect of family socio-economic status on the ability to purchase health services is accepted. The facts show that the socioeconomic status of the family is very much influenced by the level of income, so that the respondents try to set aside some of their income, including the factor of the size of the family members. The second hypothesis, the t-statistics value is 687,514 and the P-value is 0,000, which means that the direct effect of health financing patterns on the ability to buy health services is accepted. There is a direct effect of family socioeconomic status, patterns and methods on the ability to purchase health services, there is an indirect effect of family socioeconomic status on the ability to purchase health services through health financing patterns and there is an indirect effect of family socioeconomic status on the ability to purchase health services through the method. Health financing.

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