Efficiency of the Tubifex sp in Reduction The Sludge of WWTP in Hospital

Adnindya Krismahardi, Zaeni Budiono, Sugeng Abdullah


The volume of wastewater from the activities of Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Hospital in 2020 reached ± 13,684 - 42,178 liters per month with a BOR of 56.97 - 98.38%. Suspended Solid measurements obtained sludge production in the aeration bath up to 300 mg/l/day. A biological approach is being used to reduce sludge by utilizing aquatic worms. The Tubifex sp worm method can reduce sludge biomass by predationing bacteria and organic particles resulting from the decomposition of organic matter by bacteria. This type of research is a experiment with a pre-test - post-test group design with a variation of the worm to sludge ratio was 0.4; 0.6; and 0.8. The measurement of sludge biomass was carried out before processing and after processing the contact time was 5 days, 10 days and 15 days. Measurement of sludge biomass before treatment was 100 grams and after treatment with a ratio of 0.4 was 6 - 76 grams, in treatment with a ratio of 0.6 was 11 - 62 grams, while treatment with a ratio of 0.8 was 19-57 grams. The efficiency value of Tubifex sp at a ratio of 0.4 was 24-94%, at a ratio of 0.6 was 38-90% and at a ratio of 0.8 was 43-81% in reducing the sludge biomass of WWTP Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo hospital. It is concluded that the use of variations in contact time and ratio in treatment with Tubifex sp worms is efficient to reducing sludge biomass with a sig value at a sig 0,000 contact time variation, worm ratio variable value sig 0,000 and a combination of the ratio variable and contact time sig 0,000. The value of Adjusted R Squared 0.945 means that the contact time, worm ratio and the interaction between contact time and worm ratio have an effect on reducing sludge biomass by 94.5%. It is recommended to carry out related further research to the application of this treatment on a field scale.

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