Phytoremediation of Enceng Gondok Plants for Treating Wastewater Tofu Tempe In Agroindustrial Areas

Imam Santosa, Enro Sujito


The waste water of tofu and tempeh produced contains suspended and dissolved solids which will undergo physical, chemical and biological changes so that they can be active in non-toxic substances and can create growth media. Bacteria can be germs that cause disease, odors and other types of germs that can harm humans. Gaya Baru Village Two communities have a tofu and tempeh industry but, based on the Data on the Top Ten Diseases at the Seputih Surabaya Health Center, Seputih Surabaya District, Central Lampung Regency in 2018, diarrheal diseases are included in the top 10 existing diseases. Possible one of the causes of groundwater pollution is the waste water of tofu and tempeh. Method: tofu and tempeh wastewater needs to be treated with Phytoremediation, Phytoremediation is a certain plant system that works together with microorganisms in the media (soil, coral and air) that can change contaminants (pollutants / pollutants) to be reduced or harmless. Compared with other tempe tofu wastewater treatment, it requires an effective, easy and inexpensive water treatment building for small industries, because it uses plants to describe the parameters of BOD, COD, and TSS wastewater so that the treated wastewater can meet the quality standard value. Result and discussion: The effect of variations in the concentration of tofu and tempeh wastewater, 100% concentration, 75% concentration and 50% concentration on the quality of wastewater. pH, BOD, COD and TSS using the Anova test have a significant effect on the quality of the pH, BOD, COD and TSS test parameters this can be seen from the significance value (sig) all of which have a value of 0.05. The highest reduction in tofu wastewater content was found in the 3 Water Hyacinth plant variety with a concentration of 50% for parameters BOD, COD, TSS 67% (180 mg/l) 66%. (316 mg/l), (186 mg/l) 77% were, 2 water hyacinth plants, 3 water hyacinth plants were. And the Suggestion from this research is the implementation of the design of the Tofu Tempe Wastewater Treatment Plant as an application of research using the Phytoremediation method. Conclusion : 1) the quality of the wastewater wastewater, the concentration of 100% of parameters BOD, COD, TSS, pH is 1800 mg/l, 2912 mg/l, 4050 mg/l, 4, Concentration of 75% parameters BOD, COD, TSS, pH is 864 mg / l, 1369 mg / l, 1985 mg / l, 5.5, the concentration of 50% parameters BOD, COD, TSS, pH was 540 mg / l, 917 mg / l, 810 mg / l, 6; 2) the quality of tofu and tempe wastewater with variations in contact time of 0 days, 3 days, 6 days and 9 days, the parameters of BOD, COD, TSS and pH tend to decrease unless the concentration of wastewater is 100% the trend does not decrease and the water hyacinth plants in the tub -the experimental tots are all dead.

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