Factors Related to HIV/AIDS Prevention Behavior in Housewives

Arum Budiyati, Sri Rahayu, Ngadiyono Ngadiyono, Runjati Runjati


In 2017 there were 48,300 HIV cases in Indonesia and 9,280 AIDS cases. The cumulative AIDS cases in 1987-2017 were 102,667 cases, with the number of AIDS infections in housewives reaching 14,721 cases. The development of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Indonesia since 2000 has continued to increase. Responding to these problems, it is necessary to prevent HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this study was to find out what factors were related to HIV/AIDS prevention behavior in Jatijajar Village, the working area of the Bergas Health Center, Semarang Regency in 2019. This is a quantitative research with correlational design. Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling is applied. Chi-square  test shows there are relationships between the variables of education level (p-value 0.006), knowledge (p-value 0.027), attitude (p-value 0.007), and husband's support (p-value 0.006) with HIV/AIDS prevention behavior. There is no relationship between age (p-value 0.616) and husband's occupation (p-value 0.161) with HIV/AIDS prevention behavior among housewives in Jatijajar Village in 2019. There are relationships between education level, knowledge, attitude, and husband's support with HIV/AIDS prevention behavior in housewives. The variables most related to the HIV/AIDS prevention behavior variable were the level of education and husband's support.  Knowledge of housewives about HIV/AIDS prevention needs to be increased, one of which is through socialization by health centers and other institutions related to HIV/AIDS to create healthy housewives.


HIV/AIDS; housewife; preventive behavior

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31983/jkb.v12i1.7691

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