Virtual Education Audiovisual Model of the New Normal Adaptation toward Campus Community Behaviors in Preventing the Spread and Transmission of Covid-19
Background: the number of confirmed or positive cases of Covid-19 has increased significantly. However, the behavior and awareness of the community to work together to fight Covid-19 is still low. Education through various methods and media is an important component in adapting to new normal life. The campus community is expected to be a pioneer in preventing the spread and transmission of covid-19.
Purpose: to develop a virtual education audiovisual model for adapting to new normal, and to assess its effect on the behavior of the campus community in preventing the spread and transmission of covid-19.
Methods: the research designs used Research and Development (R&D) and true - experimental design with control group. The 306 respondents were recruited in this research by randomized. Data collection using a questionnaire assisted by the google form program. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test and the Mann Whitney test.
Results: the results of the study showed that the virtual education audiovisual model with adaptation to new normal had an effect on increasing knowledge (p <0.0001), increasing positive attitudes (p <0.0001), and actions (p <0.0001) of the campus community. The total mean score of campus community behavior was in the range 0-75, before treatment was 65.69 (SD + 5.99) and after 73.52 (SD + 2.68) with a difference of 7.83 (p <0.0001).
Conclusion: the virtual education audiovisual model of the new normal adaptation had improved the behavior of the campus community in preventing the spread and transmission of covid-19.
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