Student Engagement Increases Caring Behaviour of Nursing Students

Nina Indriyawati, Sudirman Sudirman, Sri Wahyuni Awaludin


Background: Even though caring behavior is introduced since nursing students enter the institution, caring behavior is still low, this may be due to a lack of student involvement.

Purpose: The study provides insight into the relationship between student engagement and caring behaviour in nursing students.

Methods: A descriptive correlational study was conducted. Data were collected from 250 nursing students in the second to fourth years who had clinical practice experience. A cross-sectional study design was conducted. Data were collected using a modified Caring Behaviour Inventory (CBI) and a Student Course Engagement Questionnaire (SCEQ). Pearson product-moment correlation analysis techniques were used.

Results: The overall student engagement score was 73.7 ± 6.8 on average while the caring behaviour score was 74.6 ± 6.5. Student engagement was significantly associated with caring behaviour r = .905 (p < 0.001).

Conclusion: Based on the finding that student engagement is strongly linked to the display of caring behavior in nursing students, it is clear that active engagement in the learning process is critical for fostering an understanding of caring behaviour. This study provides valuable insights for nursing lecturers seeking to increase student engagement and improve the development of caring behaviour among nursing students. By incorporating strategies that encourage active student participation and engagement, nursing departments can help to facilitate the development of caring behavior among their students.


Student Engagement; Caring Behaviour; Nursing Student

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