Distraction Technique using a Cooling Vibrator Reduces the Pain of Vein-puncture in Children

Fadila Abdullah, Imam Cahyo Murwidi


Background: Typhoid fever is commony found disease at the hospital. One of the treatments for typhoid fever is intravenous fluid therapy. This procedure certainly causing pain. Actions to minimize pain to children when infusion is carried out are part of the principles of atraumatic care. One of the atraumatic principle can be performed on children is the use of vibrators and cold compresses to minimize pain.

Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of vibrator and cold compress against pain in children when taking venous blood.

Methods: This research using true experimental with a post-test in control group and divided into 2 groups, intervention and control groups. This research will determine the effectiveness of cooling vibrator. Assessing children's pain using the FLACC instrument. The study was conducted at Tidore Islands Hospital. Data processing was tested with Mann-Whitney test.

Result: Mostly respondents are 4 years old. both of them experiencing of having blood drawn before. Most of the control and intervention groups were women. There are differences pain scores founded, in the intervention group was 3.13 and in the control group was 7.87. The results of statistical tests showed that there was a significant difference in pain during venipuncture in the intervention group and the control group.

Conclusion: The statistical test show there was a significant difference in intervention group and the control group. The use of a cooling vibrator can be an alternative to reduce pain in children during venipuncture.



Atraumatic Care; Pain; Children; Cooling Vibrator; Distraction Technique.

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