How Indonesia Nurses Cope in Covid-19 Pandemic?: A Qualitative Study

Ratna Puspita Adiyasa, Reni Puspitasari


Background: Nurses have to deal with various stressors, especially those who directly care for COVID-19 positive patients, such as the risk of contracting the disease, the availability of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the workload that tends to increase, community stigma and so on. Appropriate coping is needed by nurses in order to provide maximum quality of service for COVID-19 patients.

Purpose: The objective of this study was to explore how Indonesian nurses cope in COVID-19 pandemic.

Methods: The research was a qualitative phenomenology design study conducted in Jakarta Indonesia, from March – May 2021. Number of participants was sevent who completed inclusion criteria. Data collection method using deep interview with participants trough video conference.

Results: The finding of this study show that there are 8 (eight) themes that represent how nurses cope with COVID-19 pandemic, namely facility, new work system adjustion, dealing with worriness, work is pride, humanity, support system, spirituality engagement, and well preparation.

Conclusion: Nurses had positive coping mechanisms against the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The positive coping mechanisms are described in detail in the eight themes of this research.


COVID-19; Pandemic; Coping; Nurses; Stress

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