Strategies to Increase Knowledge of Disaster Preparedness Among Children: A Literature Review

Putri Karisa, Ristina Mirwanti, Farah Nibras, Syahida Ayu, Anastasia Yovita, Muhamad Gustaf Al Fajar


Background: Children are a vulnerable group when experiencing a disaster. This vulnerability occurs because children's knowledge about disasters is very minimal, making children feel unprepared for disasters. The physical, psychological and social impacts caused by disasters are very dangerous for children's future development.

Purpose: This study aims to determine interventions that can be done to improve children's knowledge related to disaster preparedness.

Methods: The literature search used PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and EBSCOHOST Journal databases. Articles were analyzed based on the criteria of publication year 2017-2022, English and Indonesian language, randomized controlled trial and quasi experimental research designs and research results according to the topic

Results: Six articles were obtained that discussed interventions to improve children's knowledge about disaster preparedness. There are several ways found in these articles, including disaster simulations with picture books, educational games, pop-up fairy tales, and animated videos, disaster awareness videos, and smartphone-based counseling.

Conclusion: Education related to disaster preparedness for children can be obtained through various media, such as picture books, educational games, pop-up fairy tales, and animated videos, disaster awareness videos, and smartphone-based counseling. This knowledge can make children more prepared in the face of disasters.



Children; Disaster Preparedness; Intervention; Knowledge

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