Manajemen Kegawatdaruratan Tertelan Bur (Studi Kasus) Emergency Management of Ingestion Bur (Case Study)

Fitri Isnaini



Emergency conditions of ingestion of foreign objects in dental practice may occur, one of which is ingestion of burs. Most of the cases, the foreign object passes through the digestive tract without difficulty, but some may require surgery. Immediate removal of the object may be necessary because long-term retention leads to complications and even death. Case: 21 years old man underwent dental procedures, a few minutes after preparation, the bur came off and then swallowed. The patient is referred to the radiology and nutrition department, given laxatives, electrolyte fluids, high-fiber foods, multiply water. The bur is eliminated from the body after 4 days. Conclusion: Dentists and dental therapist should have the skills in emergency management of bur ingestion. Things that need to be considered to prevent the emergency are pre-action preparation (area isolation and double cek of theinstruments), effective communication between patient doctors (delivering instructions in case of an emergency), informed consent, good coordination and preparedness between medical staff include radiology, nutrition, and nurses.


Keyword : Ingestion Bur; Dentistry; Emergencies


Kondisi darurat tertelan benda asing dalam praktik kedokteran gigi dapat terjadi, salah satunya adalah tertelan bur. Sebagian besar kasus, benda asing melewati saluran pencernaan tanpa kesulitan, tetapi beberapa mungkin memerlukan pembedahan. Pengangkatan objek sesegera mungkin diperlukan karena retensi jangka panjang menyebabkan komplikasi dan bahkan kematian. Kasus: Laki-laki berumur 21 tahun menjalani prosedur perawatan gigi, beberapa menit setelah preparasi, bur terlepas dan kemudian tertelan. Pasien dirujuk ke bagian radiologi dan gizi, diberikan obat pencahar, cairan elektrolit, makanan tinggi serat, dan instruksi perbanyak minum air. Bur keluar dari tubuh setelah 4 hari. Kesimpulan: Dokter gigi dan perawat gigi harus memiliki keterampilan dalam manajemen kedaruratan menelan bur. Hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk mencegah kecelakaan kerja adalah persiapan tindakan awal (isolasi area, pengecekan ulang  instrument), komunikasi yang efektif antar dokter pasien (penyampaian instruksi jika terjadi keadaan darurat), inform consent, koordinasi dan kesiapsiagaan yang baik antara bagian medis yaitu  radiologi, nutrisi, dan perawat.

Kata kunci: Tertelan Bur; Kedokteran gigi; kedaruratan


Tertelan Bur; Kedokteran gigi; kedaruratan

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