Analysis of Factors That Influencing Decisions Parents of Patients with Palatoschisis Receiving Palatoplasty Actions

Yonan Heriyanto, Dewi Sodja Laela, Annisa Ambarwati, Ulfah Utami


Paltoschisis is a congenital abnormality of the palate that affects the function of speech, eating, and facial development in newborns. Palatoplasty in patients with palatoschisis often involves the role of parents. The decision to accept palatoplasty can be complex for parents of patients with palatoschisis because it involves a variety of factors. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the decision of parents of patients with palatoschisis to accept palatoplasty. This type of research is a qualitative method with a descriptive phenomenological approach. The study population is parents of patients with palatoschisis who will receive palatoplasty surgery. Sampling was done by purposive sampling of 3 respondents. Hypothesis testing is done by in-depth interviews and thematic analysis. The results of this study show that the decision to accept palatoplasty for children with palatoschisis is very important and complex, and often involves the main role of parents as decision-makers. Supporting factors, cost factors, and need factors influence the decision of parents of patients with palatoschisis who will receive palatoplasty surgery. Confidence in the decision of parents with palatoschisis is a determinant in accepting palatoplasty surgery through YPPCBL Bandung. This research can provide a basis for the development of psychosocial interventions that can improve the quality of parents' decisions in dealing with palatoplasty


Decision making, Parent, Palatoschisis, Palatopasty

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