The Effect of Ciplukan Leaves Extract (Physalis minima) Effervescent Tablets as an Denture Cleanser to the Growth Candida albicans
Denture stomatitis is one of the problems that often occurs in denture wearers. Prevention of denture stomatitis can be done by immersing the denture in a cleaning solution. Ciplukan leaves (Physalis minima) are natural ingredients that can be used for denture cleaning because they contain antimicrobials. This study aims to determine the effect of effervescent tablets of ciplukan leaf extract (Physalis minima) as a denture cleanser in inhibiting the growth of C. albicans. Methods: This type of research is a laboratory experiment with the post-test-only control group design. The sample used is acrylic resin plate made of heat curing acrylic material The samples used were 24 pieces with a size of 10x10x1 mm which were divided into 4 treatment groups. Samples were immersed in alkaline peroxide effervescent tablets and ciplukan leaf extract effervescent tablets with concentrations of 25%, 50%, and 75% for 20 minutes. The number of C. albicans colonies was counted using a spectrophotometer and converted into the formula. The results of the One-Way ANOVA statistical test showed that the number of C. albicans in each treatment group was significantly different with a significance value of 0,00. Ciplukan leaf extract effervescent tablets were able to inhibit the growth of C. albicans on heat cured acrylic resin plates with the most effective concentration of 75%.
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