The Use of Monitoring Cards is Effective In Improving Dental And Mouth Cleanliness and The Behavior of Deaf Children

Rina Kurnianti, Rusmiati Rusmiati, Muliadi Muliadi


Problem statement : The limitations that deaf children have in hearing, result in cognitive information processing disorders, namely limitations in receiving, storing, and re-disclosing information as an understanding, being able to explore and add information about something (especially about dental and oral health. The role of people Parents are very necessary in maintaining children's health, especially dental and oral hygiene because deaf children are still dependent on their parents. Method: Pre Test and Post Test Control Group Design. The study population was students of Prof. Dr. Sri Soedewi Mschjun Sofwan, SH and their parents as the intervention group and students of SLB Negeri 1 Jambi City and their parents as the control group. In the intervention group, counseling was given and Monitoring Cards, while the control group was only given counseling. The measuring instrument used is PHPM. Children's behavior is seen by using a questionnaire. Analysis of the data to see the status of oral hygiene and student behavior in maintaining oral health with a pair t-test. Scientific finding results: The results showed that dental health education using a monitoring card was more effective in improving the status of dental and oral hygiene and dental health behavior in SLB children than not using a monitoring card. A short conclusion: The recommendation from this study is for parents to be more active in motivating their children to maintain oral and dental health by using a monitoring card so that the way their children brush their teeth will be better and correct.


PHPM; knowledge; attitude; behavior

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