Relation Of Habitual Of Brushing Teeth With Candida sp. Colony Count in Children Dental Caries Under 10 Years Old

Fikih Zulfa Erniwati, Muhammad Taufiq Qurrohman


The dental and oral disease problem faced by the Indonesian population as well as in other developing countries is dental caries tissue disease. Bacteria colonize the oral cavity to produce acid, resulting in a demineralization process in dental caries tissue. Candida albicans is the main agent of oral candidiasis. The development of these two microorganisms interacts with each other to form a layer of biofilm, which is the beginning of caries. Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by Candida sp., which is the normal microflora in the oral cavity. This study aims to analyze the relationship between tooth brushing habits and the number of Candida sp. in dental caries in children under 10 years of age. This research is an analytic survey with a cross-sectional approach. Based on research on the relationship between brushing teeth and the number of Candida sp. in children under 10 years of age at SDN 01 Petung Bondowoso students, it can be seen that out of a total of 13 respondents (100%) who have poor tooth brushing habits, there are 7 respondents (53.8%) who have a small number of colonies and 6 respondents (46.2%) who have many colonies. Meanwhile, out of a total of 41 respondents (100%) who had the habit of brushing their teeth well, it was found that 41 respondents (100%) had a small number of colonies and none had many colonies. Based on the Chi-Square test, the results obtained were p = 0.000. Because p = 0.000 <0.05, it can be interpreted that there is a relationship between brushing teeth and the number of candida fungal colonies in dental caries in children under 10 years of age. This can also be interpreted as meaning that the better the habit of brushing your teeth, the fewer the number of candida fungal colonies, and vice versa.




Candidiasis; tooth brushing habit; Candida sp. colonies.

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