Walin Walin, Ulfah Agus Sukrilah, Sugeng Riyadi, Herry Prasetyo, Puji Hastuti


Tuberculosis sufferers in the community often experience malnutrition problems.The objective of this research is to determine the content of tilapia fish extract which can be used to support improved nutrition in tuberculosis sufferers in the community. The research method was to make extracts from fresh tilapia fish raw materials which were carried out through an extraction/hydrolysis process using an extraction machine, then distilled water and 96% ethanol were added.

The research results showed that the extract content of tilapia fish includes the water content was 1.33 %, the ash content was 3.16 %, the fat content was 16.87 %, the protein content was 54.08 % and the carbohydrate content was 24.56%. Furthermore, based on the analysis results, heavy metal contamination such as PB, Cd, Hg and As was not found or was not detected. Similarly, contamination with salmonella spp, shigella sp and clostridia microorganisms also showed negative results. The water content and ash content are in the low category at 1.33 % and 3.16 % respectively, which means that the quality of the tilapia fish extract is very suitable for consumption as an effort to improve the nutritional status of tuberculosis sufferers.



suplemen; ikan mujair; IL-6; tuberkulosis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31983/jsk.v6i1.11271

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