Wiwin Renny Rahmawati, Angga Sugiarto


Introduction: Problems with early breastfeeding can occur in mothers who experience childbirth through Sectio Caesaria. This can have a negative impact on the baby's life. Mothers with Sectio Caesaria will have difficulty initiating early breastfeeding due to rooming-in factors, the condition of the incision in the mother's abdomen, weakness due to the influence of the anesthesia given previously, therefore patients with Sectio Caesaria surgery can only successfully breastfeed after a few hours after giving birth.

Methods: This research is a pre post test design. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The number of samples is 30 pregnant women post Sectio Caesarea.

Results: All 30 respondents after oxytocin and marmet massage experienced an increase of breast milk. Expenditure increase in mean by 6,44.

Conclusion: There is an effect of oxytocin and marmet massage on the speed of breast milk expenditure (p<0,05)


Keyword : Oxytocin, marmet, massage, sectio caesarea, breast milk expenditure

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