Suwarsi Suwarsi, Josephine Daquioag Lorica


Good points in the role of Professor of Nursing in Indonesia are very muchneeded. Be the potential relevance of research to address the country'sproblems in defining the role of nursing professors needed for a moreappropriate professional direction. The validity of the tool was determinedby assessing the content validity, using the content validity index (CVI) of 6nursing experts. Of the eight valid instruments that can be used asguidelines that must be carried out by nursing professors are about therole of leadership, authority, research and scholarship, teaching, and theacquisition of internal and external resources, which support scientificactivities, the power of communication, and service to the community.Wider University. It is hoped that prospective nursing professors canimprove their quality according to existing and valid indicators on theinstruments that have been built. Keywords: Assessing, Indonesia, Instrument, Professors, Validity

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