Arwani Arwani, Budi Widiyanto, Sri Widiyati


Introduction – Currently, the prevalence rate of diabetes mellitus inIndonesia based on relevant diagnoses or symptoms reaches 2.1%, and itis estimated that by 2030 the number of people suffering from diabetesmellitus will reach 21.3 million. The case of diabetes mellitus in CentralJava ranks second for non-communicable diseases after hypertension withthe number of cases which tends to increase every year. On the other hand,the number of people with prediabetes also shows a number that tends toincrease. The proportion of people with prediabetes is 2-4 times higherthan the proportion of people with diabetes. One of the prevention effortsis through physical activity. Several studies have shown that physicalactivity has a significant effect on glycemic control. The study aimed todetermine the effectiveness of giving different physical activities toglycemic control in prediabetic clients in Semarang municipality.Methods – A randomized control trial (RCT) with a pretest-posttest designwas conducted on 60 prediabetic clients using different treatments(healthy / slow walking, brisk walking, combination of both slowly andbrisk walking). Random allocation was conducted to determine theresearch sample in each group. An initial measurement (pretest) ofglycemic control was carried out using an indicator of HbA1c levels andwas remeasured (posttest) after treatment for 3 months. Research Datawere analyzed using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis.Results – The average level of glycemic control (HbA1c levels) before theintervention in the healthy walking group was 5.57% and decreased to5.46% after the intervention; the combination group decreased from 5.93%to 5.78%, and in the slowly walking group decreased from 5.74% to 5.71%.However, there was no significant effect of slowly walking on glycemiccontrol (HbA1c levels). Meanwhile, brisk walking and combination ofslowly walking and brisk walking had a significant effect on glycemiccontrol (HbA1c levels) (p<0.05).Conclusion – The combination of physical activity group (brisk walkingand slowly walking) has a better effect on glycemic control (HbA1c levels),compared to the slowly walking group, and brisk walking group.Keywords: physical activity, slow walking, speed walking, combination,prediabetes, glycemic control

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