The Effect of Application of Borax Dosage Variations on Baiting Gel on Imago Mortality Periplaneta americana Year 2021

Merin Tri Ardhita, Arif Widyanto, Nur Hilal


Cockroaches are a mechanical vector for several pathogenic microorganisms. The use of chemicals for cockroach vector control has been widely used. Fumigation and spraying have negative effects on human health and environmental pollution. Therefore it is necessary to do another alternative, one way that can be done is by usingthe Baiting Gel method as a cockroach control. According to Potter & Entomologist (2015) unlike many insecticides, borax does not have insect repellent properties so cockroaches are not deterred from baiting and return to the baiting area repeatedly until they die. This study aimed to analyze the effect of application of variousdoses of borax on Baiting Gel on the mortality of Periplaneta americana imago. This research method is a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design. The results showed that a dose of 0 grams of borax had 0% killing power, a dose of 10 grams of borax had 10% killing power, a dose of 15 grams of borax had 30% killing power and a dose of 30 grams of borax had 25% killing power. So from these results, no effective dose of borax was found to kill Periplaneta americana. The results of Kruskal Wallis' analysis obtained a significant number with p value = 0.127 > 0.05, so that there was no effect of application of variations in the dose of borax in Baiting Gel on the mortality of Periplaneta americana imago. The conclusion of the study was that there was no effect of the application of variations in the dose of borax on Baiting Gel on the mortality of Periplaneta americana imago. It is hoped that other researchers can conduct further research using a combination of active ingredients Borax and Sulfur where previous studies have obtained significant and effectiveresults in killing Periplaneta americana cockroaches.


Periplaneta americana, cockroach, Baiting Gel, mortality, Borax

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