The Relationship of Hygiene Sanitation for Food Processing With Salmonella sp Contents In Chicken Meat Products In Campus 7 of Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Wahyu Putriyantari


Supervision and sanitation inspection of eating places is important to avoid cases of food poisoning, salmonellosis, and typhoid fever. These cases can be caused by the food factor itself, equipment, food processing, or the place where the food is processed and served. The purpose of this study in general is to describe the relationship between food processing hygiene sanitation and the content of Salmonella sp. on chicken meat products at Campus 7 Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang. Method: This type of research is cross sectional research, the number of sempel as many as 30 samples taken from food stalls around Campus 7. Data collection is obtained through observation, interview and measurement or examination of samples of chicken meat products. The data obtained was analyzed into univariate, bivariate analysis with Chi-square test (X2). Resut and Discussion: The results of the study conducted in 30 food stalls, there are 4 samples from food stalls containing salmonella sp bacteria. The results of bivariate analysis showed variables related to the presence of Salmonella sp bacteria in chicken meat products, namely variable ways of storing foodstuffs with a value of P (0.048) < 0.05. Conclusion: The researcher concluded that the variable associated with the presence of Salmonella sp bacteria in chicken meat products is a variable way of storing foodstuffs. It is expected that the owner and food processor in storing foodstuffs at the appropriate temperature and humidity, placed in a separate special container with other foodstuffs, storage containers in a clean state, placed separately with hazardous materials and foodstuffs stored in a place free from insects and mice.

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