Description of Microplastic Levels on Shellfish in Purwokerto Banyumas Regency In 2021

Dita Kumalasari, Tri Marthy Mulyasari


Plastic is anorganic waste that is produced from human activities that are dumped into surface water such as the sea. So that the sea that becomes the source of human water is polluted. In water, the plastic degrades and becomes microplastic. Microplastics measuring ≤ 5 mm are sucked in by foraging marine biota by feeding filters such as shellfish and this causes food contamination. Microplastics that enter the human body can accumulate and cause health problems such as hormonal disorders and breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to describe the level of microplastics in shellfish in Purwokerto Banyumas Regency. The type of research used is descriptive research. The samples studied were 3 types of shellfish, there are andara shells, green shells, and bamboo shells. Examination of microplastic levels using an ocular microscope in the Laboratory of Campus 7 Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang. The results of the examination of microplastic levels are known to average microplastic levels in bamboo shell samples 7 particles / 50gr, samples of clams andara 10 particles / 50gr, green mussels 6 particles / 50gr. The microplastic shapes identified are fiber as many as 42 particles, fragments of 17 particles, and film of 12 particles. The inclusion of microplastics into the body of shellfish 80% can cause death within 7 days after exposure to microplastics due to organ damage. The conclusion of this study is the presence of microplastics in shellfish sold in Purwokerto. People should start to get used to maintaining the environment around the coast and further research should be to conduct microplastic research on samples other than shellfish and add research variables such as microplastic particle size and types of microplastic polymers.


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