Herlando Sinaga, Ikhwan Latif, Nasir Pangulu




Pemeriksaan HBsAg pada ibu hamil sebelum melakukan persalinan merupakan skrining adanya penularan Hepatitis B secara vertikal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil pemeriksaan HBsAg dan Anti-HBs pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Sentani Kota dan Rumah Sakit Marthen Indey Jayapura. Jumlah sampel serum ibu hamil dalam penelitian ini adalah 60 sampel; 30 sampel dari Puskesmas Sentani Kota dan 30 Sampel Rumah Sakit Marthen Indey. Metode pemeriksaan HBsAg dan Anti-HBs yang digunakan adalah metode Immunokromatografi. Diawali dengan pengambilan darah Vena pada ibu hamil kemudian melakukan sentrifuge untuk menghasilkan serum. Serum tersebut digunakan dalam pemeriksaan HBsAg dengan metode Immunokromatografi sedangkan Pemeriksaan HBsAg didasarkan pada prinsip Double Antibody Sandwich Immunoassay untuk penentuan HBsAg. Pengambilan sempel  dilaksanakan selama 1 bulan, Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rapid Test HBsAg merk SD Bioline dengan sensitivity more than 99%, specificity more than 99% dan strip test Anti-HBs merk Answer dengan sensitivity more than 99% dan specificity more than 99,5%. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif untuk mengetahui hasil pemeriksaan HBsAg dan Anti-HBs pada ibu hamil. Pemeriksaan HBsAg dan Anti-HBs didapatkan hasil untuk HBsAg sebanyak 13% positif terinfeksi Hepatitis B dan sebanyak 87% lainnya diperoleh hasil negatif, dan hasil pemeriksaan Anti-HBs didapatkan hasil sebanyak 15% memiliki antibodi Hepatitis B dan sebanyak 85% lainnya diperoleh hasil negatif. Diisimpulkan bahwa dari pemeriksaan HBsAg dan Anti-HBs masih ditemukan sempel positif Hepatitis B.



[EXAMINATION OF HIGATITIS ANTIGEN SURFACE (HBsAg) AND Anti-HBs IN PREGNANT MOMS AS A HEPATITIS B BREEDING SCREENING] HBsAg examination in pregnant women before labour is a screening for vertical hepatitis B transmission. This research aims to determine the results of HBsAg and Anti-HBs examination in pregnant women at Sentani Kota Health Center and Marthen Indey Hospital. The number of serum samples of pregnant women in this research was 60 samples; 30 samples from Sentani Kota Health Center and 30 Samples of Marthen Indies Hospital. The method of HBsAg and Anti-HBs examination used is the Immunochromatography method. Beginning with taking venous blood in pregnant women than doing a centrifuge to produce serum. The serum is used in HBsAg examination with the Immunochromatography method while HBsAg examination is based on the principle of Double Antibody Sandwich Immunoassay for HBsAg determination. Sampling was carried out for 1 month, this research  was carried out using HBsAg Rapid Test brand SD Bioline with sensitivity more than 99% specificity more than 99%  and Anti-HBs test strip brand Answer with sensitivity more than 99% specificity more than 99.5%. This research  used a descriptive analysis method to determine the results of HBsAg and Anti-HBs examination in pregnant women. HBsAg and Anti-HBs examination were obtained for 13% HBsAg positive infected with Hepatitis B and as many as 87% obtained negative results, and the results of Anti-HBs examination showed that 15% had Hepatitis B antibodies and 85% obtained negative results. It was concluded that HBsAg and Anti-HBs examination still found positive for hepatitis B.


HBsAg; Anti-HBs; Ibu Hamil; Pregnant Woman

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